
At Riverton Primary we strive to create a school culture based on C.A.R.E

A school spirit that reflects the values of:









CARE - Our Values



We will encourage each other. 

We will listen and work with others. 

We will be friendly.



We care for ourselves, others and the environment around us. 

We welcome and include others.

We wear our school uniform with pride.



We will try to give our best even when we find things challenging. 

We bounce back. 

We encourage and support others.



Whānau involved in school environments. 

We do the right thing at the right time in the right place.

Riverton School recognises the cultural diversity of New Zealand/Aotearoa and the unique position of Maori culture in this area and in our country.

‘Our charter reflects our values with an emphasis on our wider school community, the aroha we show for one another and our environment, how we show resilience when we are faced with challenges, and engagement through all learning opportunities.’

Our values link with a school wide system that rewards students who show C.A.R.E at school. When students have earned a specific amount of C.A.R.E tokens they can receive a bronze, silver or gold award for their efforts. This can be viewed on our medal recipient wall as you enter our school office.

Principals Welcome

Kia Ora and welcome to Riverton Primary School.

E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakaatu i te rohe o Oraka Aparima me te hapori.

I would like to acknowledge the Riverton Community and the lands that surround us.

“We Open our Doors with Aroha,” is the nucleus of the school culture. Children learn in a supportive, caring environment, which encourages responsibility for self monitoring appropriate learning and social behaviour.

We are currently operating 6 innovative homerooms with a dynamic and highly collaborative teaching team of passionate educators and support staff. We aim to make our school as happy and as rewarding as possible for all our children, to enable the best possible 21st century learning.

Each child’s learning pathway is unique and we work in close partnership with home to help understand and develop the whole child. We want our learners (children and teachers) to show initiative and to have passion for their own learning in a safe and happy social environment that is also set against ‘a backdrop’ of developing an appreciation of our multi-cultural heritage.

Nga mihi nui,
Tim Page


Latest News

Keep up to date with everything that is going on at Riverton Primary School

Term Dates 2025

Term 1 - 3rd Feb - 11th April

Term 2 - 28th April - 27th June

Term 3 - 14th July - 19th Sept

Term 4 - 6th Oct- 16th Dec (1pm)


Latest Newsletter

Read previous newsletters, archived by year here.

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Contact us.

Phone: 03 234 8663
Cell Phone: 0277594548 (text messages only)
Email: office@riverton.school.nz


Our Location

Find Us:
7 Leader Street Riverton,
Western Southland, 9822 NZ

Riverton is situated on the south coast, 40 km from Invercargill.
The economic base of the area is fishing, farming, tourism and related small industries.
​It is also a popular retirement and holiday town.
